Sunday, 14 November 2010


14 Nov 2010
Total 6 hours 
  1. <Create Reminder> 6 hours I created reminder function 70%. Actually, I want to finish today, but I need to do retrieve Email also, so I will start retrieve email. However, before I start, I have to merge source code to other team members' source. We use SVN, so it will be easy. Honestly, I was impressed this software. I really understood the reason, which many people have already used!  

13 Nov 2010
Total 4 hours 
  1. <Create Reminder> 4 hours Now I started coding for reminder function, however it will be longer than I expected. Ummmm.... I want to finish by end of this week, but I try to use radio button inside gridview. When I use auto generate function, it will work. But if I use radio button in the gridview binded data from behind C#, it won't work. I didn't know that, so until I realized the reason,  I researched many pages. That's why I don't like
 12 Nov 2010
Total 6 hours 
  1. <Create Reminder> 6 hours Finally, I could start my part, which is reminder function. I need to start from first, because table layout was completely changed, so I'm not sure how long I will take to create reminder function. But I want to finish it as much as first.

11 Nov 2010
Total 6 hours 
  1. <Research for Create Cookie> 6 hours I research for creating cookie, because when user logs in this system, we want to pass the information to this user, and we will always use this information during logged in. First, I want to put in the information into the authentication cookie, however, they cannot have extra information, so I have to create original cookie. The coding is following, I need to encode this cookie. But this coding hasn't encoded yet. 

int AccountantID = GetAccountantID(LoginHome.UserName);
              // Get cookie from the current request.
              HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["Acc"];

              // Check if cookie exists in the current request.
              if (cookie != null)
                  HttpCookie myCookie = new HttpCookie("Acc");
                  myCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1d);

                  HttpCookie cookieAcc = new HttpCookie("Acc");
                  cookieAcc.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);
                  cookieAcc.Value = Convert.ToString(AccountantID);


10 Nov 2010
Total 6 hours 
  1. <Research for Membership> 6 hours Finally, I could use membership control. The solution is that we have to use formauthenticationticket class, such as following. And I can control to access website using roles.

if (Membership.ValidateUser(username, password))
      string userData = "ApplicationSpecific data for this user.";

      FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(1,

      // Encrypt the ticket.
      string encTicket = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(ticket);

      // Create the cookie.
      Response.Cookies.Add(new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, encTicket));

      // Redirect back to original URL.
      Response.Redirect(FormsAuthentication.GetRedirectUrl(username, isPersistent));
      Msg.Text = "Login failed. Please check your user name and password and try again.";

09 Nov 2010
Total 6 hours
  1. <Presentation> 2 hours We joined the presentation and we can get knowledge from other teams. I think this time many teams try to do hard, so average level becomes high.
  2. <Research for Membership> 4 hours I still research login authentication using role function. And I couldn't find solution today also. Who can use this function properly? Microsoft should have good reference.

08 Nov 2010
Total 6 hours
  1. <Group Meeting> 1 hours We discussed how much we will finish by next week. We decided to do up to prototype and plus alpha. But this time, the application must have a validation and security. So we will become busy. 
  2. <Research for Membership> 5 hours I researched membership function, because I want to use role function. However, there is no good solution. If I follow the web site, which is tutorial website, it will not be enough to control using role. Microsoft offered many references, but the concept is not so clear, that's why it is very difficult to find good solution. 

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