Sunday, 26 September 2010


26 Sep 2010
Total: 3hours
  1. <Client Meeting> 1.5hours We met the client for the first time. We already have a prototype, so we can explain our image well and we can talk deeply his requirements. This is good time for us to understand their idea and their business.
  2. <Meeting Minutes> 1hour I created meeting minutes. We discussed a lot of topic, so I needed to take time to write down the meeting minutes.
  3. <Documentation> 0.5hour I have to create document Journal, blog and individual project proposal. After updating this blog, I have to continue making documentation. However, I feel not good, so maybe I can do a little time.

25 Sep 2010
Total: 5hours
  1. <UML Usecase>  3hours We had reviewed our use cases for 2 hours. Actually, UML is a very good way to check our idea. First, our thinking are little different. But now we have a same image of the system, so today we progress well.
  2. <ER Diagram> 1hour This task is also included to share templates image. I thought our member can understand my idea by themselves, because I created detailed templates. However, I knew it is not enough, so I started creating ER Diagram. It is not so difficult, because I already have an image. Therefore, I didn't need to spend such a lot of time.
  3. <Making Presentation> 1hour We discuss about the structure of next presentation. After that, I created the draft presentation slide. This time, I want to need to prepare for the presentation. I really want to get good presentation skills.

24 Sep 2010
Total: 8.5hours
  1. <SQL Server> 3hours I installed SQL2008 DB Server to the Windows 2008 server. This server is not connected to the internet, so I have to update many times to install SQL. After installing SQL, I tried to connect to the LAN network, but I could not access from my PC. I searched internet, but I could not find the solution. Next week, I want to continue to the find the solution.
  2. <UML Usecase> 3hours Today we discussed about UML diagram, because we divided tasks yesterday, however, we couldn't understand exactly individual task. After discussion, I started drawing diagram. Now I could write them smoothly.
  3. <Template> 2hours Mostly, I explained how my templates will work. I thought team member can understand that to refer those templates, but they didn't get my idea. I found it is important to us to communicate with team member. And also, I want to improve my English skill.
  4. <Meeting minutes> 0.5hour I write down meeting minutes. Recently we can communicate well, so our team became going well. We hope we can meet the client until coming Monday.

23 Sep 2010
  1. <UML Usecase> Today I had a job, so I didn't spend long time for the project. (My work is also going well.) I made UML Usecase Template and we divided tasks drawing UML diagram. My task is Login, Import & Export data and Status & Category management functions. I have some options for login functions. Therefore, I chose this function. 
  2. To do list
  • Draw UML Use cases
  • Find solution the conflicts of jQuery and
  • Make draft Presentation
  • Continue making templates

22 Sep 2010
  1. <Template> I converted HTML file to Actually, this convert needs time, because I consider how many master pages we needs and what parts we can reuse. First, we wanted to develop using PHP. However, client server is, that's why I needed to convert Template. I changed these templates to, but there is one problem, which is conflicts between and jQuery. I really like jQuery, because it is very useful and easy to implement! I try to find solution.
  2. <CRM Functions> I updated the function list, so our function list became well organized. Maybe we can start drawing UML diagram also. I always realized that it is difficult to imagine same system among  team members. Especially, other members are first time to develop system. I think we need to discuss functions deeply. Then, we can create good system.

21 Sep 2010
  1. <Presentation> In the morning, we practiced a presentation for this afternoon. And we shoot the video of this presentation. Then, we reviewed our presentation. Now, I understood we need to prepare before hand and I have to get more phrases for attractive presentation. Teacher gave us some idea for how we can improve this presentation skill, which is I want to know, so this is the good time to get skills for presentation and improve my English. I will try to change my script next presentation. Now I'm looking forward to next week.
  2. <CRM Functions> I modified function list to readable sentence. I wonder this function list format is correct or not. So I asked my teacher to check it. Most of them are no problem. He advised me that I tried to write more detail. Therefore, I will continue to write function list more detail. I think the most important thing is each member imagine same system. Today I feel our image is gradually closing. I hope we will meet client as soon as possible.
20 Sep 2010
  1. <Template> Today, I create add new client page. I use javascript and create invisible part. If user want to input extra information, this part will be shown. By the way, when I create these templates, if we want to develop flexible CRM application, they will need to create a lot of functions. Maybe we just understand about 30% or less. My templates has already some discrepancies, so we start to discuss about the solutions and think more deeply. 
  2. <Presentation> We prepared for the weekly presentation, and practiced ourselves. After that, we made a presentation to our supervisor. He gave us very useful advice and taught us how to prepare for the presentation. Actually, I am not good at making a presentation. But I got some idea from him, so I want to improve that skill during this semester. This is very good time to get presentation skill from him.
  3. <Share folder> I create share folder for our team member, because we have already started some coding on individual PC. However, it is difficult for us to share data using pen drive. Therefore, I use the server to connect our PC to server, and we can use share folder. Now our works space become more efficient! One concern is a virus, which someone may bring us by mistake. Anyway we get creative with what one already has and enjoy this project.  

Sunday, 19 September 2010


19 Sep 2010
  1. <Template>  I continue to make templates. And I uploaded the templates to the web hosting site. The directory of this templates are restricted, so if someone wants to access this site, they must know ID and Password. I have done following templates.
  • Login
  • Dashboard
  • Client list
  • Client details
  • Add new client
  • Template page
  • Note: You need to input ID and Password.

18 Sep 2010
  1. <About CRM> I went to the school and explained the idea of general CRM. I think CRM has 2 sides, one is for sales department and another side is for customer support. Actually, CRM is very difficult, because we cannot get 100% information from the client. Therefore, CRM has to be flexibility and good usability.
  2. <CRM Functions> I discussed with my team members about functions. Maybe there are not enough, but we cannot find everything. We will post on the class room's wall, so that we can update it anytime.

17 Sep 2010
  1. <CRM Functions> We have a task about CRM from supervisor. The task is that  we understand CRM and  think about functions. I think it had better to share my knowledge about CRM, because my team members and I imagine different system, so we will talk about CRM tomorrow.
  2. <Template> I made 2 templates. And I get the solution of the breaking layout. Here is the solution for CSS.  If I use this class in the parent "div" tag, layout won't break.
CSS for nested div tag
.clearfix:after { 
  content: ".";
  display: block; 
  clear: both; 
  height: 0; 
  visibility: hidden; 
.clearfix { 
  min-height: 1px; 
*html .clearfix { 
  height: 1px; 
  height: auto; 
  overflow: hidden;
16 Sep 2010
  1. <UI Design> I discussed the template layout with my team member before brushing up. We realized that we don't know about the requirements. However, if we bring templates, client will be easy to understand the software concept, so I will try to create userfriendly template.
  2. <Template> Still I am creating the template. Sometimes "div" tag breaks layouts. I have to find solution.

15 Sep 2010
  1. <Roles> We decided each role. I took analyst and meeting minutes.
  2. <Template> I started to create templates. Normally, I create HTML by myself, but this time I downloaded from the internet, which is a little difficult to understand. I hope I will finish by Friday.
  3. <Logos> I created team logo and client's logo. I think both are cool design!  
  4. <Meeting minutes> I made the template of meeting minutes.

14 Sep 2010
  1. I got lest of project information.
  2. After presentation, we discussed which project we chose.
  3. We talked with other teams, and then we decided to choose the CRM project.

13 Sep 2010
  1. We discussed about projects, which we are interested in. We thought about functions of these projects.

Thursday, 16 September 2010


10 Sep 2010
  1. We asked the teacher about CRM software project, and we got some idea of this project.

9 Sep 2010
  1. We got information of 3rd semester project. There are many interesting projects.
  2. We discussed which project we chose, but we haven't gotten some project information. Therefore, we haven't decided yet.